Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The 10 Funniest Bad Spoofs of Bad Movies

No doubt about it, these are some bad movies. But what happens when we find spoofs of these bad movies that are, well, bad spoofs? We post them, that's what! The spoofs are funny, but it's more of a "we're laughing at you" instead of "with you." Here are the 10 Funniest Bad Spoofs of Bad Movies.

10. "Batman & Robin"

"Batman & Robin" was a huge bust with George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell under the direction of Joel Schumacher. As bad as this spoof is, it may be better than the actual movie.

9. "Pearl Harbor"

Michael Bay dropped a bomb on moviegoers with "Pearl Harbor." Even Ben Affleck's powerful acting abilities couldn't save the film. As you're about to see, the guy in this spoof puts a huge effort into the video.

8. "Scooby Doo"

The big screen version of Scooby Doo was an expensive turd of a movie with a computer-generated dog. The kids in this spoof try to show us how it's done without those fancy effects or any talent whatsoever.

7. "Godzilla"

In "Godzilla," starring Matthew Broderick, the monster attacks New York City with an awful screenplay. For some viewers, this film was more painful than 9/11. Enjoy this Matthew Broderick-free spoof of the giant lizard.

6. "The Incredible Hulk"

We'll take Lou Ferrigno's television Hulk over the big screen CGI Hulk any day. What kind of clever satire can a bunch a kids come up with to spoof the Hulk? Let's just say video cameras shouldn't be made available to everyone.

5. "Hannah Montana: The Movie"

"Hannah Montana: The Movie" is not even out yet but it will suck -- unless you're a teenager or a creepy old guy. If we were going to do a Hannah Montana spoof, would we dress up a guy as a girl? You betcha!

4. "Speed Racer"

"Speed Racer," starring Emile Hirsch and Christina Ricci, bombed badly at the box office. Now,
the kids in this spoof of "Speed Racer" are destined for greatness. (We think they may be retarded so we wanted to say something nice.)

3. "Basic Instinct 2"

Ah, the aging vagina of Sharon Stone. Who could forget it? It's burned into our consciousness. Forget Stone and get ready to view the strangest movie spoof ever made.

2. "Snakes On a Plane"

All that hype and the movie stunk the joint out. Now here comes the spoof with a decent lookalike actor, real snakes and -- oh yeah -- they forgot to include some funny ideas.

1. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

We still don't understand why "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" got an Oscar nod. A "Forest Gump" ripoff without Tom Hanks' talents. Still, we're glad the film got made or we would never have seen this "Benjamin Button" spoof.

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